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Step 9
Blow the bumper dust free, then spray a medium wet coat of 1050 Plastic Magic adhesion promoter over the entire bumper. Always use Plastic Magic whenever you apply any coating directly to a raw TPO plastic. Let the Plastic Magic flash off for 10 minutes before topcoating.
Step 10
We will use Microtex waterborne texture material to retexture the bumper. First, catalyze Microtex with 3104 catalyst, 5% by weight.
Step 11
Using a 1.3mm basecoat gun, apply a medium wet coat of Microtex overall to the bumper. Microtex is unique in that the texture is built into the paint. This ensures consistency of appearance. There is no need to adjust gun settings or distance to the work to achieve the texture. After the first coat flashes completely, apply a full second medium wet coat of Microtex.
Step 12
Once the Microtex has dried completely, sand with 600 grit to remove loose texture and even out the appearance. Use the white nibs that appear as a guide coat to check for evenness of sanding
Step 13
To finish the bumper, we’ll apply Bumper & Cladding Coat paint to match the original color of the bumper. First, to match the original unfaded color of the bumper, use the Bumper & Cladding Coat color chip chart on the backside of the bumper. Find the color that matches most closely.
Step 14
Mix the chosen color according to the formula. Using a 1.3 mm basecoat gun, apply two medium wet coats of Bumper & Cladding Color Coat.
Step 15
The finished bumper looks brand new again. A fully textured bumper would be the most difficult because the standard of appearance would be more critical. However, textured areas on the bottom edges of bumpers would be much easier to do. So don’t be afraid next time you have a textured bumper! You can do a quality repair using Polyvance’s line of products.
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