We help people repair plastic
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Bumper covers are often discarded because of damage that could have easily been repaired. The broken flange on this Camaro bumper is a good example.
This kind of repair can be done using a hot air plastic welder or a nitrogen plastic welder (we have several nitrogen plastic welders available).
See the benefit of using hot nitrogen over regular hot air here!
Check out our Welding Rod List to pick out the perfect welding rod for your project. If you aren't sure which rod you need, visit our Plastic Identification page.
Always wear proper safety gear while working!
Products Used:
Note: This is a list of the Polyvance products that can be used to make this repair. This list does not include sanders, grinders, or other common tools you will need. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call technical support at 800-633-3047.
Video Notes:
English Transcript:
Bumper covers are often discarded because of damage that could easily have been repaired. This broken flange is a good example.
The first step to any quality repair is to clean the repair area. Polyvance’s plastic cleaner does the job well. With a DA sander, remove any paint that might compromise the quality of the weld. Use aluminum tape as a temporary support. Aluminum tape is stiff, and it can withstand the welding heat. Aim the flow of air at the intersection of the rod and the plastic that you are welding. Be sure to melt both the rod and the existing plastic.
After laying down some plastic, melt away any unneeded rod with the side of the welder tip. Smooth out and iron down any curled edges with the airless plastic welder. Allow the weld to cool and remove the aluminum tape. Grind away some of the existing plastic so that when the new material is added, the flange won't be too thick. Aim the flow of nitrogen at the intersection of the rod and the bumper. Be sure to melt both the rod and the bumper cover. After laying down some plastic, melt away any unneeded rod with the side of the welding tip.
As you can see, this is a quality repair that saves you from having to buy a new bumper cover.
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